Monday, November 5, 2012

The fork in our road to this century is bent backwards!

Americans are looking at a fork in our road in this November election.  One tong continues straight ahead, but the other bends backwards!

The left tong represents President Obama's continuing to deal with the Great Recession created by the 21st century's first President - a President chosen by the Supreme Court and not by the majority of us. (Consider how different the world be today if Gore had been our first 21st century President!)

Despite having to deal with the Great Recession and a very resistant Republican Congress, President Obama has succeeded in moving our nation into the 21st century.  Among his many accomplishments:
  • He has expanded our health care system to cover everyone even those with medical pre-conditions and to include those who work part time, or on their own or in small companies.
  • He has made progress on fighting climate change by promoting green energy such as solar, wind and electric cars and improving energy efficiency such as getting cars companies to agree to double the average fuel economy of new cars and trucks by 2025.
You can read about his goals for the next 4 years on his web site and which he has documented in more detail here including:
  • Quality education: strengthen our schools by recruiting 100,000 math and science teachers, training 2 million workers for real jobs at community colleges, and cutting tuition growth in half.
  • Cutting The Deficit By More Than $4 Trillion. By eliminating special loopholes and tax breaks that benefit big business and the wealthiest – as part of a balanced deficit reduction plan that also cuts spending we can’t afford – we can grow our economy without burdening our children and grandchildren with debt.

In contrast the right tong represents Governor Romney's plans along with the Tea Party that backs him to return us back to an earlier time. They talk about getting rid of or at least greatly reduce Healthcare Reform, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, EPA, regulations, taxes (especially on the rich), public education, gay rights, women rights, etc.   Read:

These plans would revert our country into 3rd world status where a small group of super rich run the country and most everyone else is poor.

The decision for America - do we want to continue as a democracy working together to address the problems of the 21st century or do we want to retreat to the 19th century where the rich ruled our nation and everyone else was poor and had few rights - a plutocracy run by the elite?